Text messages discussing CRS reporting issues.

Text message No CRS

Text messages discussing CRS reporting issues.

This is the only text message produced by the respondents. But it’s clear from the small bar on the right that this message is part of a much larger thread. Obviously, whichever ‘journalist’ this text message belongs to illegally deleted the rest of the thread. It is also unlikely that this was the only text message. I’m sure that dozens, if not hundreds, of other text messages were also destroyed. It’s a crime to destroy evidence, but these corrupt journalists have no problem breaking laws, which is ironic as that’s what they falsely accused Euro Pacific Bank and me of doing.

But even though this is the only text message the respondents didn’t destroy, it actually confirmed that the bank did not work with referral agents who were interested in avoiding CRS reporting. Despite knowing this, the “journalists” accused the bank of specifically marketing its services to customers looking to avoid CRS reporting. This allegation was directly contradicted by their own research and proves not just defamation, but fraud.