
How Nick Mckenzie and 60 Minutes Australia Defamed Peter Schiff

Age reporters Charlotte Grieve and Nick Mckenzie fraudulently entrapped me into sitting down for an ambush interview.

Watch VideoDecember 4, 2023

I Won My Defamation Lawsuit Against Nick McKenzie and 60 Minutes Australia

Podcast episode where I break down the details of my defamation lawsuit.

Watch VideoNovember 28, 2023

Age Reporter Nick McKenzie Ambushed Peter Schiff 

Unedited copy of the 60 Minutes Australia ambush interview.

Watch VideoNovember 28, 2023

PROOF Euro Pacific Bank Did NOT Commit Financial Crimes

This is the press conference that announced the closing of Euro Pacific Bank. The press conference was actually a PR stunt for the J5.

Watch VideoOctober 25, 2020

60 Minutes Australia and The Age are Fake News

Peter Schiff completely destroys the credibility of 60 Minutes Australia, The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, Nick McKenzie, and Charlotte Grieve.

Watch VideoOctober 22, 2020

How Nick Mckenzie and 60 Minutes Australia Defamed Peter Schiff

Age reporters Charlotte Grieve and Nick Mckenzie fraudulently entrapped me into sitting down for an ambush interview.

Watch VideoDecember 4, 2023

I Won My Defamation Lawsuit Against Nick McKenzie and 60 Minutes Australia

Podcast episode where I break down the details of my defamation lawsuit.

Watch VideoNovember 28, 2023

Age Reporter Nick McKenzie Ambushed Peter Schiff 

Unedited copy of the 60 Minutes Australia ambush interview.

Watch VideoNovember 28, 2023

PROOF Euro Pacific Bank Did NOT Commit Financial Crimes

This is the press conference that announced the closing of Euro Pacific Bank. The press conference was actually a PR stunt for the J5.

Watch VideoOctober 25, 2020

60 Minutes Australia and The Age are Fake News

Peter Schiff completely destroys the credibility of 60 Minutes Australia, The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, Nick McKenzie, and Charlotte Grieve.

Watch VideoOctober 22, 2020