Luke Rosiak's letter to the IRS.

Luke Rosiak Letter to the IRS

Luke Rosiak of the Daily Wire is the only journalist in the world who actually covered this story and conducted a real investigation. He reached out to the IRS and OCIF and even submitted a FOIA request. He had many questions about the J5 investigation of the bank and the circumstances that led to its closure. No one from either agency would talk to him or provide any information. The IRS and J5 worked closely with corrupt reporters from The Age and The New York Times, whom they knew would cooperate by spreading lies, but they had no interest in communicating with an actual journalist interested in uncovering the truth. If the investigation and actions against my bank were legitimate, representatives of the IRS and OCIF would have happily engaged with Rosiak. But since they knew the bank did nothing wrong and their actions to destroy it were illegal, their refusal to provide Rosiak with any information was part of the coverup.