Email exchange regarding an interview request with Peter Schiff.

Interview Request from Grieve

Email exchange regarding an interview request with Peter Schiff.

This is the initial email sent by Charlotte Grieve requesting to interview me. Grieve knew the true purpose of the interview was the J5 investigation of Euro Pacific Bank, but she also knew that if she was honest about it, there would be no interview. So, she concealed the true purpose of the interview by lying about what would be discussed. She also knew that if I was unprepared to answer questions about the bank, she would catch me off guard and make me look guilty by creating the false impression that I had something to hide. Grieve also lied about conducting the interview herself. She only wrote that her colleague might sit in if he had time. She likely knew that if she told me Nick McKenzie would be doing the interview, it might have raised suspicion. She also never told me the interview was for 60 Minutes Australia; she only wrote that she wanted some video to include in the online version of the article she was writing. All journalists would agree that setting up an ambush interview is highly unethical. But this was not just a lapse of journalistic ethics. Grieve’s emails constitute outright fraud.