Alexander McKillop testifies to Euro Pacific Bank's stringent compliance standards, describing extensive regulatory checks and rigorous documentation required for account management.

Affidavit of Alexander McKillop Highlighting Euro Pacific Bank’s Stringent Compliance Processes

This is a just one of many customer affidavits that I was prepared to submit as evidence in the hearing on damages, which ultimately never took place. Those affidavits all confirmed just how rigorous Euro Pacific Bank’s compliance was, completely refuting the false allegations made by 60 Minutes Australia, The Age, and the N.Y. Times.

Knowing that they had no chance of prevailing, due to their not having a single piece of evidence to back up their false allegations, and knowing their own evidence confirmed fraud and malice on their part, Nine offered to pay 550,000 Australian dollars in damages, a sum that exceeded the maximum amount the court could order under Australian law, plus agreed to pay my legal costs on an indemnity basis, which exceeded $1 million Australian dollars. A judgement in my favor was entered against all five defendants.