This file contains a hodgepodge of information the “journalists” compiled as part of their “investigation” of the bank. None of it supports a finding of any wrongdoing on the part of the bank. The only fact that even relates to their allegations is that Michael Wilson, who was convicted of wire fraud and sentenced to 108 months in prison, had been a customer of Euro Pacific Bank. In 2017, with the full cooperation of Euro Pacific Bank, $750K he had deposited in four related accounts was turned over to U.S. authorities. Euro Pacific Bank itself was not found to have done anything wrong with respect to those accounts.
Mathew Goldstein referenced Wilson in the N.Y. Times article to evidence the type of criminals who allegedly had accounts at Euro Pacific Bank. Apart from failing to pointing out that Wilson’s account was atypical of the bank’s clientele, Goldstein neglected to point out that the bank cooperated with authorities with respect to Wilson’s accounts and was not found to have done anything wrong with respect to those accounts.